Defibrillator USB to Serial Data Cables

USB to Serial Data Cables for Defibrillators and other medical devices depending on serial communication integration for Data transmitting and receiving.

The USBG-232MINI Mini USB RS-232 Serial Adapter can be utilized through an existing USB Port to work with your legacy serial connections. It’s great for newer technologies with no serial port connections.

Model# USBG-232MINI


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RS-232 | 512 Bytes Receive | 512 Bytes Transmit | FTDI Expand Your Serial Capabilities: Connect your legacy 9-pin serial device through a USB-A port to…

Model# USBG-232MM


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RS-232 | 512 Bytes Receive | 512 Bytes Transmit | FTDI Expand Your Serial Capabilities: Connect your legacy 9-pin serial device through a USB-A port to…

Model# USBG-232


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RS-232 | 128 Bytes Receive | 256 Bytes Transmit | FTDI Expand Your Serial Capabilities: Connect your legacy 9-pin serial device through a USB-A port to…

Model# USBG-RS232-F12


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USB to RS232 Adapter - FTDI Chipset For computer users that require one new or additional RS-232 connection without the extra cable length. This cable features RX/TX…

Model# USBG-RS232-F72


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USB C to RS232 Adapter - 6ft. Cable The USBGear 6ft. USB C to RS-232 Serial Adapter features a new black ultra sleek and powerful design with…

Model# USBG-232MM-C


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USB to Serial Adapter - High Speed Prolific Chipset USB DB-9 Serial 72 inch RS-232 Adapter cable for connecting to serial devices without the need for…

Model# USBG-RS232-P72


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USB C to Serial RS232 for Windows COM Port Synchronize your PDA, Digital Camera, Cell Phone or other device currently using a serial port with…

Model# USBG-232-C


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